Once upon a time, there was a poor, lonely,unhappy old couple lived in a small, old shack. The elderly man was a fisherman, The elderly woman was a weaver. One day the elderly man went fishing, long time pased without one fish, at last, he got a golden fish which could speak. The golden fish said to the elderly man ."she can give the elderly man everything if he gave her freedom." The elderly man was scared , asked nothing and send the golden fish free. When elderly man rerurned home, he told the strange thing to the elderly women, the eldery women sweared him, and let the man back the golden fish ask for a wooden pot first time , then they got a new wooden pot, the elderly women let the elderly man ask for an new wooden house, an new mansion time by time. when the olderly women got them, she want to be an aristocrat. she became an aristocrat, after few months, the elderly women want to be queen, she became queen. She treated the elderly rudely all the time. After few months, she want to be an overlord of ocean, and let the golden to be her servant. when the elderly man told the golden fish the elderly women's wish, the golden fish without answer and return to the ocean. when the elderly man returned home, There was nothing just had a small, old shack, in front of the shack was the elderly woman.
This is a fable wrote by Russia writer Pushkin. This fable told us,"Pople can't too greedy, if you are too greedy ,you'll lost everything."
That's a good story - the moral is kind of like the goose and the golden egg.
ReplyDeleteCorrections: "The elderly man was a fisherman." "When the elderly man returned home, there was nothing, just a small old shack."
I don't remember this story, so this story was very popular and famous when you were a kid?